We are a group of passionate individuals coming together to create fun and inspiring events in support of the Web3 vision and community.

The Future of Music - Moderated by Maarten Walraven
3.00 pm: Panelists- Tommy D (Tokentraxx), Ross (Fan3), Joey Suki
Artists Highlight- Moderated by TommyD
3.25 pm: Surprise guest
Navigating the Unknown- Legalities in Web3
3.50 pm: Jes Nox in conversation with Steve Vijverburg (Clever)
Unlocking the Power of Community in Web3: Beyond the Buzzword - Moderated by Maarten Walraven
4.15 pm: Panelists- Khadija Hashi (R/Hood), Rory Wood (Bitwax), Simon Klikenberg (Guts Tickets)
Tech for Good: Building a Better Tomorrow
.4.40 pm: Johan Wendner (R/Hood) in conversation with Tommy Danvers (My Sahel Project)
The Artist's Perspective
5.00 pm: In conversation with Saira Jamieson (Artist), Icki (Artist), Paolo Regis (Artist, photographer)
NFTs: Evolution and Beyond- Moderated by Jes Nox
5.25 pm: Panelists- Colby Mort (Guts), Hackatao (Artist), Vasia Makris (Crypt Gallery)
From Algorithms to Artistry: AI, music and art- Moderated by TommyD
5.50 pm: Panelists- Sarah Main (Data Vaeda), Mariana Brandao (Casperaki)
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